Venue: Graha Bhakti Budaya

Tanggal : 7 s.d 9 Juni 2024

Jam Pertunjukan :  Jumat = 19.30 WIB  •  Sabtu = 13.00 WIB & 19.30 WIB  •  Minggu  = 13.00 WIB


TEATER KOMA, produksi ke-230, 2024


Naskah Karya: N. Riantiarno

Sutradara: RANGGA Riantiarno


Info Tiket:

 0821 22 7777 09 • 021 735 0460 • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 Tiket Online:



 Rp. 175.000| Rp. 275.000 | Rp. 400.000 | Rp. 525.000 | Rp. 725.000 | Rp. 975.000





TUTI HARTATI • NETTA kusumah Dewi • joind bayuwinanda • rita matu mona

DAISY LANTANG  • LUTFI ARDIANSYAN • bayu dharmawan saleh • angga yasti

DANA HASSAN • andhini puteri • sir ilham • adri prasetyo • dodi gustaman • DLL.



Co -Sutradara : NINO BUKIR • penata musik: fero a. Stefanus

Penata artistik & Multimedia : Deden Bulqini • penata cahaya: deray setyadi

penasehat rias & Rambut : subarkah hadisarjanapenata gerak: ratna ully

penata rias & rambut: sena sukaryapenata busana: RIMA ANANDA

Pengarah Teknik: TINTON PRIANGGORO • Instruktur Vokal: AJENG DESTRIAN

Perancang Grafis: SAUT IRIANTO MANIK • Manajer Panggung: SARI MADJID





Pada suatu masa di pedalaman Kamoro, Papua, sepasang suami istri, ditemani 3 kakak sang istri, menaiki perahu dari desa Kamoro menuju ke hilir sungai, mencari sagu agar bisa dipanen warga desa. Tapi, nasib buruk menimpa. Mereka bertemu NAGA jahat, yang melahap segala. Semua terbunuh.

Yang selamat hanya sang istri. Dia berhasil lolos dan menetap di sebuah gua, dekat gua seorang Dukun, KORERI. Beberapa bulan kemudian, wanita itu, YAKOMINA, melahirkan anak. Si Dukun itu menolongnya. Yakomina tak mau pulang, dia mengurusi anaknya hingga besar. Pemuda itu diberi nama BIWAR.

Tak terasa, 25 tahun telah berlalu. Biwar tumbuh di daerah tepi sungai menjadi pria yang hebat berkat bimbingan Mama dan Dukun. Satu hari, saat sedang menyusuri sungai untuk mencari ikan, Biwar menolong seorang gadis, NADIVA, yang hendak dimakan TIGA BIAWAK. Biwar dengan mudah mengalahkan monster-monster itu. Tiga Biawak lari. Keduanya berkenalan, dan saling jatuh cinta. Keduanya berjanji untuk bertemu lagi.

Saat Biwar pulang, Yakomina tahu bahwa sang anak sudah mencapai daerah kekuasaan Naga, tempat di mana Papa Biwar kehilangan nyawanya. Sang Mama lalu berkisah tentang bagaimana Papa Biwar dilahap Sang Naga. Amarah Biwar memuncak.

Tapi Dukun menenangkan. Sang Naga kini sudah punya anak buah, selain Tiga Biawak, masih ada BUAYA dan BURUNG HITAM. Dukun mengatakan akan ada waktu yang tepat bagi Biwar untuk memasuki kawasan monster-monster itu, dan membunuh Naga.

Nadiva ternyata berasal dari desa Kamoro. Hubungan rahasia Biwar dan Nadiva diketahui penduduk desa. Mereka tidak setuju hubungan dengan orang luar itu. Semua lalu mendatangi Biwar dan meminta pertanggungjawabannya. Nyaris terjadi perkelahian.

Beruntung, muncul Sang Dukun, Koreri, yang melerai pertikaian tersebut. Beliau malah meminta agar penduduk membantu Biwar. Akhirnya, penduduk patuh dan ikut Biwar memasuki kawasan kekuasaan Naga. Tujuan mereka, membunuh Naga. Apakah akhirnya mereka akan terbebas dan merdeka dari Naga?

Ini lakon Teater Koma, kisah nyanyian dan tarian kawasan timur, Papua. Kisah yang mengharukan. Kisah kemerdekaan dan kebebasan. Lakon hilangnya Sang Naga.



Once upon a time, deep in the Kamoro inland of Papua, a husband and wife couple, accompanied by three of the wife’s older brothers, from the Kamoro village, took a boat downstream along the river, searching for sago to be harvested by the villagers. But, misfortune befell them. They ran into the evil DRAGON, devourer of all things. Everyone was killed.

The only survivor was the wife. She managed to escape and stayed in a cave near the cave of the Shaman, KORERI. Some months later, the woman, YAKOMINA, gave birth to a child. The Shaman aided her. Yakomina decided not to go back to her village, she brought up her child into adulthood. The young man’s name is BIWAR.

Now, 25 years have passed. Through the guidance of Mama and the Shaman, Biwar grows up into an incredible man. One day, while exploring the riverside to look for fish, Biwar rescues a girl, NADIVA, who was about to be devoured by THREE BIAWAKS (Water Monitor Lizards). Biwar easily defeats the monsters, driving them away. The two youths get acquainted, and fall in love. Both promise to meet again.

When Biwar gets home, Yakomina realizes that the boy has reached the Dragon’s dominion, where Biwar’s Papa lost his life. Mama then tells the story of how Biwar’s Papa was eaten by the dragon. This sparks Biwar’s fury.

But the Shaman calms him down. The Dragon has underlings now, aside from the Three Water Monitor Lizards, there still exist the CROCODILE and the BLACK BIRD. The Shaman says the right time will come for Biwar to enter the territory of the monsters, and kill the Dragon.

Meanwhile, it turns out that Nadiva is from the Kamoro village. The villagers become aware of the secret relationship between Biwar and Nadiva. They do not consent to the idea of Nadiva seeing a person from outside the village. Everyone then comes to Biwar demanding his accountability. A fight nearly erupts.

Fortunately, the Shaman, Koreri, appears to stop the conflict. He even orders the villagers to assist Biwar. In the end, the villagers heed his request to join Biwar in entering the Dragon’s dominion. Their purpose, to kill the dragon. Will they finally be liberated and free from the Dragon?

This is a Teater Koma stage play, a story filled with songs and dances inspired by The Land in the East, Papua. A poignant story. An epic of liberation and freedom. A tale about how the Dragon vanishes.